Jame's Horde Leveling Guide - Chapter II (31-40) [old version]

Snowflake's picture

Chapter II (31-40) - Journey from the Thousand Needles to Badlands


This guide starts at level 31, if you need guides for any other level range (from 1-31 for example) please take a look at this page. This guide is a follow up of the previous chapter of my horde leveling guide, where a lot of pre-questing and flight-path gathering has been done already (especially for Blood Elves).

This guide is optimized for FAST leveling with a minimum of grinding sessions. Quests are important, they give rewards and faction and are less boring than pure grinding.

Some people say that grinding is always faster than questing, this is true in theory when you don't know which quests to take and which to avoid, and what is the best order to do them. With this guide, questing will be very efficient and much better than pure grinding. Follow each instruction carefully and you will see for yourself.

The quest choices and order to do them are optimal so that you run as few as possible while doing the most possible and then turning several quests in at the same time. This guide will be very useful for both veteran and novice players. I try to keep the amount of information as short as possible. So even the guide itself is optimized for the minimum reading possible, to save time! Let's get started immediately then! Everything described in this guide can be done solo (besides when I say otherwise). However you can follow this guide while duoing, grouping, it's not a problem, it works too.

Basic rules

  • As soon as you see that you start to lack experience compared to the progress described in the guide start to kill everything that is on your way while traveling and that gives experience (Yellow mobs preferably, but greens are ok if they are just 3-4 levels below you, not more).
  • Spend your talent points so you do the most damage possible. (e.g: Priest should specialize in Shadow Talents, Warriors in Arms/Fury, Rogues Combat/Assassination, etc).
  • Don't waste your time trying to find groups for questing, you can solo everything that is described in this guide. Only group with someone when it's not gonna be a waste of time (e.g: meeting the person at the other end of the map to show him the way to where your quest is, that is a waste of time)
  • Try to always log out in an Inn or in one of the major cities when you take a break.
  • If I don't mention a quest, it means I consider it a waste of time, so don't take it thinking I forgot a quest here and there, I didn't. Also don't abandon a quest unless I say you should.
  • Sometimes I will be making lists of quest you should have before starting with an area, that doesn't mean I will list the whole quest log, JUST the quests that interest us for the moment.
  • When I say you should bind (make an Inn your home location) somewhere, it's for a good reason, and it will save you much time. Don't change your home location until I say so.

Useful Addons

Something that's amazingly useful is the Ace2 updater. Download and install it and the program will present you with a list of addons which all use the same library (hence they consume very few ressources). From that list you can choose addons that interest you (I downloaded Fubar quest mod, Fubar location, Cartographer, Bartender and a mod to make my UI look better) and the program will install all the addons for you. Furthermore you can run the program every time before you launch WoW and choose to update all installed modules for you.

Side Note:
If your addons are not being loaded when you enter the game you might need to log out to your login screen and click on "Addons" in the left lower corner. Tick the box that says "Load out of date Addons". Relaunch WoW.

Shopping List:

    Every time you pass by an auction house, try to buy the following items:
  • 1x Strong Troll's Blood potion - Needed at level 34, you can either buy it at the AH or buy 2x Bruiseweed 2x Briarthorn 1x Leaded Vial and tip an Alchemist to combine for you.
  • 2-5x Elixir of Water Breathing (or the greater version) - Needed at level 39, unless your character is an undead or a class which has an underwater breathing spell. Technically only one is necessary but if you die you might need a few more, so I recommend getting 2 or more.

    These might not always be up for sale, so start checking early.

Color Code:

  • Quests
  • Items
  • Locations
  • Quest objectives to kill
  • NPCs
  • Locs


Let's get started! Make sure you're stocked on consumables (food/drink/potions) and fully repaired, keep your hearthstone set to Orgrimmar.

Your quest log should look like this if you followed Chapter I of my guide.

Fly to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles.

1. Get down the lift and follow the road west until Darkcloud Pinnacle, find the slope going up on the northwestern side of the peak (31,36). Go up and across 3 wooden bridges, you'll end up at the top of a peak with 2 bridges, take the one on your left (going east), at the next peak there will be 2 bridges again, take the one on your right (going southeast).

2. You should arrive on a last peak, with a bonfire in the middle named "Sacred Fire of Life". Clear everything on the peak, get back to full health/mana, make sure your health potion timer is up and if possible your long cooldown abilities. Right-click the bonfire, it will summon Arikara, a level 28 Elite (green to you), definitely manageable. Kill it and loot "Arikara Serpent Skin".
Go back the way you came from, until you get off Darkcloud Pinnacle. If you are solo skip the next paragraph, because you can't kill the enraged panther alone at this level. If you're 2 or more, you can.

3. Optional
Go northwest until you find a destroyed caravan (22,24) with a panther in a cage in the middle. Open the lock and kill the panther and loot the Hypercapacitator Gyzmo, then go south to Whitereach Post.

4. Go west to Whitereach Post (south if you did the enraged panther quest) (21,31). Turn in the quest [28+]Arikara and [30+]Hypercapacitator Gyzmo if you did it, if not you can abandon that quest.

5. Go west/northwest, we're now gonna look for a named hyena named Steelsnap. Go to the area which is north of highperch, Steelsnap always passes by that spot. Just kill everything in the area while waiting for Steelsnap to show up. I generally find her at (13,28). She's a level 30 hyena with two hyena guarding her. Just kill her quickly and run away, that's the easiest option, but any class can manage it with a bit of strategy. Loot Steelsnap's Rib.

6. Go southeast along the mountain until you reach the harpy cave. Clear your way inside the cave until you reach the bottom, you should see some wooden crates in the corner. Don't click them yet, you must first know what's gonna happen if you click them.
4 waves of harpies are gonna come flying towards those crates, you can't do this solo normally, but there's a way. It's too complicated to describe so I made a video of it. Watch it and you'll understand, it's low quality but you can view it instantly without any downloading:

Test of Endurance Video

See it's not easy, but definitely possible. I didn't even use Sap, Thistle Tea or vanish, so I still had some margin of error. And the gear of that rogue is really nothing special, green items of average quality. What really matters anyway is that you get to the end of the script and loot Grenka's Claw quickly, even if you die it's no problem as long as you loot the claw before.
If you really can't manage that part, just abandon the quest, it will mean a little more grinding to do for you. Now you should be getting close to half way in level 31 normally. And we're gonna grind on those harpies (or you can go grind on the wyverns or centaurs in thousand needles if you prefer) until we are 4000XP away from level 32.

7. When that is done, travel east to the Weathered Nook (54,44), go up the slope and inside the cave to turn in the quest [30]Test of Endurance. Don't get the follow up.

8. Run back to Freewind Post, fly to Thunderbluff. In Thunderbluff go south to the Hunter Rise and turn in the quest [30]Steelsnap, get the follow up [37]Frostmaw, you can destroy the Kodo Skin Parchment you just got from this quest. Congratulations on level 32.


Train your new skills, you can hearthstone to Orgrimmar if you wish. Check the AH, restock consumables, repair. Once you're ready to go again, fly to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles.
Go east until you reach the Mirage Raceway in the Shimmering Flats(80,77). Get the following quests there:

  • [30] Hardened Shells
  • [30] Salt Flat Venom
  • [30] Load Lightening
  • [31] Rocket Car Parts
  • [31] Hemet Nesingwary
  • [33] A Bump in the Road
  • [36] Wharfmaster Dizzywig

You can find everything needed to complete those quests all around the raceway, do long circles all around it and kill everything on the way. Keep doing this until you complete all the quests and get 10 Turtle Meat. Avoid the level 35 turtles, they are orange to you and might be a little too hard, find the lower level ones on the northern part of the Shimmering Flats. Grind on turtles mostly if possible, they drop scales which sell nicely. Don't sell the Turtle Meat, put them in bank or somewhere in your inventory.

Turn in all the quests and get the follow up quests :

  • [37] Goblin Sponsorship
  • [35] Martek the Exiled

Now you should be getting close to level 33, so we're gonna grind in the area (turtles, vultures, etc) until we hit level 33.


Before we leave, go south and zone into Tanaris. Go to Gadgetzan and talk to the Wyvern Master in front of the gate. Fly to Ratchet, talk to Gazlowe (in one of the houses northwest of the wyvern landing spot)and get the follow up [37]Goblin Sponsorship. Go to the peer and talk to Wharfmaster Dizzywig, turn in the quest but don't get the follow up. Then take the boat to Booty Bay.

In Booty Bay on the docks, talk to Wharfmaster Lozgil and get the follow up [37]Gobline Sponsorship.
Go to the Booty Bay Inn, on the 1st floor, get the quest [35]Singing Blue Shards.
On the 3rd floor get the quests [32]Investigate the Camp [35]Bloodscalp Ears [36]Hostile Takeover. Turn in the quest at Baron Revilgaz and get the follow up [37]Goblin Sponsorship. Take the flight path if you haven't already (we did this in the Chapter I of my guide).
Get out of the Inn by the other door on the 3rd floor, facing east. In the 3rd house to the left you should find another quest [31]Supply and Demand.

Hearthstone to Orgrimmar.

Repair, sell, restock consumables. Get out of orgrimmar and take the Zeppelin to Grom'gol.

In Grom'Gol get the following quests:

[34]Bloodscalp Insight (added recently)
[34]Hunt for Yenniku
[37]Bloody Bone Necklaces
[37]The Vile Reef (Elite)

From now on, whenever you kill something in Stranglethorn Vale, you might find "Green Hills of Stranglethorn" pages, make sure you keep at least one of each pages.

1. Exit the camp from the east side, follow the path until you reach the road. Follow this road north, cross the 1st bridge, and keep going until you reach the 2nd bridge, don't cross it, go directly north downhill until you find Nesingwary's Expedition Camp, next to the river (35,10). Turn in [31]Hemet Nesingwary then talk to the other dwarf, get his quest, turn it in at Hemet again. This should unlock several other quests. Get [31 Panther Mastery [31]Tiger Mastery and [34]Raptor Mastery. No need to get the Green Hills of Stranglethorn quest yet, it's the page quest and you only need to take it once you have gathered enough pages to complete the chapters. Let's start hunting!

2. Kill River Crocolisks which can be found all along the river in northern Stranglethorn Vale until you find 2 Large Crocolisk Skins. While you search for crocs you can also kill Young Tigers close to the river for Tiger Mastery.

3. Then kill 10 Young Tigers (or as much as you still got left)
Tigers can be found mostly south and around the Nesingwary camp.

4. Kill Young Panthers, they are mostly found on the other side of the river to the east (41,10).

5. Once you have finished the above quests, go back to Nesingwary's Expedition. Turn in Tiger and Panther mastery, get the follow ups [33]Tiger Mastery and [33]Panther Mastery.

6. Go west until you reach a plateau (30,9). Up there you can find Panthers and Tigers. Kill 10 of each.

7. Further southwest on the plateau you should find Stranglethorn Raptors, kill 10.

8. Go south and down the plateau until you find the troll camp at Bal'lal Ruins (29,20). It should take a while to get 15 Bloodscalp Ears, 9 Bloodscalp Tusks, 1 Bloodscalp Totem and 25 Bloody Bone Necklaces, but it is a nice grinding spot anyway. If you don't have enough trolls there is another camp northeast at the Tkashi Ruins (33,15).

9. Once you've collected all of that, go west to the shore and move along the shore towards the north until you find Crystal Spine Basilisks. If you run short on Basilisks, there is more on the lower plateau to the east along the shore. If there aren't any basilisks just go kill some trolls until they respawn. Kill basilisks until you get 10 Singing Crystal Shards.

10. After that go take a swim until you reach the loc (24,22), right under you should be some ruins guarded by elite murlocs. Against one of the outer walls of those ruins you should see a big tablet, if you put your pointer over it the cog should appear and it should say "Gri'lek the Wanderer". Dive and click the tablet to loot the Tablet Shard, you should be able to do that without aggro'ing any murlock.

11. Go back to Nesingwary's Expedition. Turn in the raptor, panther and tiger mastery quests, get the follow ups.

Now you should be about 4 bubbles away from level 34, if you are not it means you didn't kill enough stuff on your way. So go kill some trolls until you are 4 bubbles away from 34.

When that is done, go directly to Grom'gol base camp. Turn in:

[34]Hunt for Yenniku, don't get the follow up.
[34]Bloodscalp Insight, don't get the follow up.
[37]The Vile Reef (elite)
[37]Bloody Bone Necklaces
, don't get the follow up.

Fly to Booty Bay. Turn in the 4 following quests:

[31]Supply and Demand, get the follow up [36]Some Assembly Required
[32]Investigate the Camp
[35]Singing Blue Shards
, don't get the follow up
[35]Bloodscalp Ears

Congratulations on level 34! Hearthstone to Orgrimmar, visit the class trainer, repair, sell, visit the auction, etc.


Before leaving Orgrimmar, make sure you have a Strong Troll's Blood Potion with you, or buy it now. We're gonna need it in the quest [28]Elixir of Agony. Another last thing before you go, if you don't have the cooking profession yet, go learn it. Talk to a city guard and ask him for a cooking trainer. You don't need to level cooking up, you just need to train and to become an Apprentice Cook, it will unlock some cooking quests for some easy XP. Grab the 10 Turtle Meat you saved when we were in the Shimmering Flats, and you're finally ready to go again.

Take the Zeppelin to the Undercity. In the Undercity next to the Bat Handler you should find a quest [36]To Steal from Thieves. Then go to the Apothecarium, find Master Apothecary Farell, turn in the quest [28]Elixir of Agony and get the follow up.

Fly to Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad.

Get the following quests:

[30] Humbert's Sword (Elite)
[32] Stone Tokens
[32] The Hammer may fall
[34] Helcular's Revenge
[34] Infiltration
[34] Prison break in

1. Go inside the Inn, and get the quest [31]Soothing Turtle Bisque from Christophe Jeffcoat, also buy 1x Soothing Spices from him. Turn in the quest immediately. While you're inside the Inn, set your hearthstone to Tarren Mill.

2. Head southwest until you hit the Western Strand (36,66) with the Murloc Camps. Kill murlocs until you get 5 Torn Fin Eyes.

3. Go northeast to the Yeti Cave (46,30). Kill yetis until you get Hercular's Rod, which is kinda rare, so just kill a lot of yetis. Once you have the rod, get out of the cave.

4. Go southeast and across the river, then go south until you hit the shore, you should find nagas there (58,64). Kill nagas until you have 5 Daggerspine Scales.

5. Hearthstone to Tarren Mill.

Turn in [34]Helcular's Revenge and get the follow up.
Turn in [30]Elixir of Agony and get the follow up.

Sell/repair/restock food if needed.
Note: I highly recommend to duo the next part, it will be much easier. However it is definitely soloable, as I did it with 3 different characters, but you really need to be careful and there's a high chance you'll die a few times.

6. Go southeast to the Dwarven Fortress of Dun Garok (69,73).
The dwarves are elite, but they are all green to you, so you should be able to manage them if you pull them one by one (even 2 at the same time if you use long cooldown abilities/bandages/health pot). However if you don't manage it, I highly recommend you go grind in the yeti cave and try to find someone willing to go with you to do this quest, if you don't find anyone, grind until you hit level 35, and it should be easier by then. The good news is that they can almost always be pulled solo if you are careful.
Tip: pull the mountaineers first, they are the easiest and they actually come to you instead of range shooting. Also make sure you use a snare type ability on all mobs, as they run when below 20% health.

Your first task will be to make yourself a way inside the fortress and find a Keg of Shindigger Stout, They can mostly be found on the side rooms down the stairs.

Then the hard task will be to kill Captain Ironhill, he can spawn a various locations:

On the top floors, which is good because he can easily be pulled solo there.
On the big middle room down the stairs, this is where it gets tough. I suggest you try to find a partner to kill Captain Iron Hill if he's in the main middle room, because it's too hard solo. Not impossible but just very hard.
After you've killed Captain Ironhill, keep killing dwarves in the fortress until you've completed the kill list of [30]Battle of Hillsbrad and gotten Humbert's Sword, which is a rare drop from any of the dwarves.
If you can't find someone to group with and can't solo those dwarves, abandon the Battle of Hillsbrad and Elixir of Agony and Humbert's Sword quests, you will have to grind more, that's all Eye

7. Get out of the Dwarven Fortress, get back on the path going northeast and then east into Arathi Highlands.

8. Stay on the road for a while until the location (30,50), north of that point you should see a mound with some ogres, this area is called Boulder' gor. Kill ogres in this area until you complete the kill list from [32]The Hammer May Fall.
Note: Boulderfist Enforcers can only be found inside the cave, which can be entered from the east side of the mound.

9. Get back on the road, follow it eastwards until you reach a crossroads, follow the smaller trail going northeast, until you reach Hammerfall, the horde outpost.

Further inside the village go up the stairs and turn in the quest [37]Trollbane, don't get the follow up.
Turn in [32]The Hammer May Fall, get the follow up [32]Call to Arms.
Get the new flight path
Sell, repair, restock food/drink.

10. Head out, go south until you find Witherbark Village (69,60). Kill trolls in there until you finish the kill list of [32]Call to Arms and then grind here until you hit level 35. If you find a necklace named Pendant of Myzrael, click it to start the quest, and you may equip it too if you don't have a better necklace.


Hearthstone to Tarren Mill. Turn in the 3 quests, get the follow ups:

[30] Elixir of Agony
[32] Battle of Hillsbrad

Go to the Inn, on the 2nd floor there's a room with Captured Farmers inside, and a "Dusty Rug" on the floor. Click it and complete the quest for an extra 3650 exp.

Sell, repair, restock food.

No map for this part, just follow the directions carefully.

1. Head west to the yeti cave. Go inside the cave, and look for the 2 braziers named Flame of Azel and Veraz. Right click them to turn them off.

2. Get out of the yeti cave, go north and slightly northeast, find the plateau named Corahn's Dagger (48,18). You'll find a syndicate camp there, kill those humanoids until you get a Syndicate Missive.

3. Once you have the Syndicate Missive, go west, you should quickly stumble upon a camp with alliance npcs, don't get too close or they will aggro you and you'll die quickly. To the north you should see a narrow path to Alterac Mountains (42,77). Before you go through this pass, kill some lions in the area until you get a Fresh Carcass (if you didn't get one already that is).

4. Once you have a Fresh Carcass, go through the snowy path, you should be able to locate a yeti cave soon at (37,68). Clear yourself a way inside the cave, then click the Flame of Uzel.
Then get back to full health/mana, and check if your potion timer is ready, cause we're about to summon a level 37 yeti, Frostmaw. When ready, place the Fresh Carcass on the Flame of Uzel and wait a little bit, frotmaw should show up within the next 20 seconds. Kill it and loot "Frostmaw's Mane".

5. Exit the cave, go west back to the plains area in Alterac Mountains and then southwest until you find the Lordamere Internment Camp (21,82).
Kill everything in the camp, including the non agressive undead npcs. You can get stone tokens from the Dalaran Guards and Theurgists, and the Bloodstones from the undead npcs: Ricter, Alina, Dermot and Kergan Darkmar. Kergan is in the other house, on the 2nd floor. He's guarded by a level 36 mob, Warden Belamoore so kill this one first, then kill Kergan and loot the last Bloodstone. You don't need Belamoore's Journal for anything, it is just lore, you may destroy it.

Once you got the 4 bloodstones and 10 Stone tokens, hearthstone back to Tarren Mill.

Turn in:

[34]Infiltration, don't get the follow up
[34]Prison Break In, get the follow up [35]Dalaran Patrols
[32]Stone Tokens, get the follow up [34]Bracers of Binding

6. Now is the time for one of those missions: impossible. Head southwest to the river and follow it until you have the alliance town of Southshore in view. Not too close or you'll get aggro from the guards, they'll see you from very very far. (55,52) is a good spot.
With maxed clip plane you should see Helcular's grave, which is at the eastmost tip of the southshore graveyard. Wait till the 3 guards patrolling close to this area are as far as possible then sprint for the grave, right click it, complete the quest log which just showed up as quick as possible and then run for your life, back the way you came from. You will most likely get aggro and die, but it's ok!

If you have troubles doing this part, I made a quick video of it here:

Helcular's Revenge Video

This made me hit level 36. If you are still not 36 at this point, it's not a problem, we still have 1 quest to turn in the Undercity. So if you are lacking less than 2500 xp, don't worry about it, just go back to Tarren Mill. If you are lacking more than 2500 xp, go grind on yetis, lions or syndicates until you fill up the gap, then go to Tarren Mill.

Fly to the Undercity, go speak to Varimathras, he is in the same room as Sylvana, the banshee queen. This room is behind the Apothecarium, you have to use the gate of the Apothecarium to access it.

Turn in [32]Battle of Hillsbrad, also get the quest [42]Into the Scarlet Monastery while we're here. Congratulations on level 36.


Sell, repair, restock consumables, visit your class trainer (certain classes might have to go to Orgrimmar).
Fly back to Tarren Mill.

Go west and then north into Alterac Mountains, as if you were going to the Lordamere Internment camp. However this time go further north towards those rubbles around the big purple dome of Dalaran (20,77). Kill elementals and the dalaran humanoids in this area until you complete [34]Bracers of Bindings and [35]Dalaran Patrols.

When done, hearthstone to Tarren Mill or run there if it's still on cooldown. Turn in the 2 quests.

Sell/Repair, restock food/drink.

Fly to Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands.

In Hammerfall, turn in [32]Call to Arms and get the follow up.
Talk to the innkeeper and set your hearthstone here.

Also get the quests:

[33] Foul Magics
[34] Raising Spirits

**If you have 225/225 in first aid, you may go to the house which is to the left after entering the Hammerfall, the trauma surgeon there will give you a quest to become an artisan in first aid. The quest is done immediately, you have to bandage injured soldiers as fast as possible, prioritizing the most injured ones. It's also an easy 3900 xp. If you fail it, abandon and re start the quest.**

Time to hunt!

Kill all the raptors you find on your way, you need 10 Highland Raptor Eyes.

1. Head west to the Dabyrie Farmstead (57,41).
Fardel should be around the field.
Marcel should be in the stables.
Kenata should be in the small house on top of the hill.

2. Once you've collected the 3 heads, head west to Northfold Manor (35,30). Kill the syndicates there until you have 10 Bloodstone Amulets.

3. Head back to Hammerfall, make sure you get the last Highland Raptor Eyes you need.

Turn in the following quests:

[33] Foul Magics, don't get the follow up
[34] Raising Spirits, get the follow up and go talk to Gor'mul in the northwest corner of the village, turn in the quest and go back to torgan, turn in the quest and get the follow up [37]Guile of the Raptor.

Sell, repair, restock food/drink.

Head southwest to the opposite side of the zone till you find the Boulderist Camp (52,72). Kill the Ogres there until you finish what's on the kill list of [38]Call to Arms.

5. Then go to the plains north and west of the Ogre caves, all over the plains there you'll find Highland Fleshstalkers, you have to kill alot of them until you have 12 Raptor Hearts. Consider this as a small grind session, just grind on everything in the area, till you get 12 Hearts.

After that, go grind on Ogres or Trolls to the east, until you are about 10000xp from level 37.

6. Hearthstone back to Hammerfall, turn in [37]Guile of the Raptor.
Go to Gor'mul (the npc close to the forge), turn in [37]Guile of the Raptor. Wait a few seconds then he will have a quest up for you, take it and go back to Tor'Gan, turn in the quest [37]Guile of the Raptor again.
Go up the stairs in front of the inn and turn in [38]Call to Arms.

Fly to the Undercity, when there, turn in the quest [36]To Steal from Thieves, right next to the Bat Handler.

Get out of the Undercity, go take the Zeppelin to Orgrimmar.

First thing you do when in Orgrimmar is set your hearthstone at the Innkeeper.
Then go to the Cleft of Shadows, and find Craven Drok, an orc NPC who roams in between the two slopes there. Get the quest [30]Alliance Relations from him.
Go to the western exit of Orgrimmar, in the last hut before the exit turn in this quest and get the follow up.

Sell/repair/restock consumables.

Fly to Thunderbluff, go to the Hunter Rise and turn in the quest [37]Frostmaw, don't get the follow up.

This should make you ding level 37


Your quest log should look like this at the moment:

[30]Alliance Relations
[42D]Into the Scarlet Monastery (Dungeon)
[35]Tiger Mastery
[36]Hostile Takeover
[36]Raptor Mastery
[36]Some Assembly Required
[38]Panter Mastery
[35]Martek the Exiled (Complete)
[37]Goblin Sponsorship

Fly to Sun Rock Retreat in Stonetalon Mountains, and go to Desolace. If you don't know the way, here it how:

After entering Desolace, go south and slightly southeast to find Kormek's Hut (62,38), get the quest Bone Collector from Bibbly F'utzbuckle.

Go west to the big tower named Ethel'rethor, next to it you'll find a human npc nmaed Azore Aldamort(38,26), get his quest: [33]Scepter of Light.
Then go southwest of tower, along the coast you should find a book on a planck, the book is named "Rackmore's Log" (36,30), click it and get the quest [36]Claim Rackmore's Treasure.

Go southeast until Ghost Walker Post's main entrance (56,56), a bit to the south you should find 2 NPCs next to a small hut, get the quest [33]Gelkis alliance and [35]Khan Dez'hepah.
A little to the north get the quest [37]Catch of the day from Nakata Longhorn.
To the west you'll find the last quest giver of Ghost Walker Post, Takata Steelblade, turn in [30]Alliance Relations, get the follow up as well as the other quest [33]Befouled by Satyr.
Talk to Maurin Bonesplitter who should be right behind you, turn in the quest [33]Alliance Relations and get the follow up [33]The Burning of Spirits.

Go south till you hit the road and then follow it until you get to Shadowprey Village (25,75).

Get the quest [38]Hand of Iruxos from Taiga Whitemane, who should be standing on top of an earth mound, to the right after a couple of huts.
Go down to the pier and get the quests [36]Other fish to Fry and [35]Claim Bait.

Go to the end of the pier and get the new flight path.

1. From the pier, dive into the water, look around at the bottom of the sea for Shellfish Traps

Keep doing this until you have gathered 10 Shellfish.
When you have 10 Shellfish go back up to the pier and talk to the troll named Jinar'Zillen, turn in 5 Shellfish twice to get 2 Bloodbelly Fish(put those aside in your bags, make sure you don't eat them).
Sell, repair, restock food/drink. This is going to be a long circuit.

2. Get out of the village the same way you came from, follow the road eastwards until you reach Magram Village (66,68). Time to slaughter some centaurs! Kill Magram Centaurs until your reputation with the Gelkis Centaurs is Friendly. That means you need to kill 50 Magram centaurs, check your reputation tab ("u" key) to see your progression. Stop killing them once you are friendly with the Gelkis.

3. Go northwest to Scrabblescrew's Camp (60,61), get the quest [34]Kodo Roundup. Find the Kodo Kombobulator Rod in your bags and put it on a hotkey. Go west to the Kodo Graveyard and use the rod on any Ancient, Aged or Dying Kodos, when you got one following you, bring it back to the goblin who gave you the quest, he will say something about you needing to inspect the beast, right click on the kodo you just brought and you should get a quest update. Repeat this step 4 more times and the quest will be complete. Turn in the quest.

4. Go back to the Kodo Graveyard, look for kodo skulls on the floor, they are labelled as "Kodo Bones" on your tooltip. Gather 10 kodo bones, watch out though, clicking the skulls sometimes spawns a Kodo Apparition, which are easy to kill at your level but just don't click a skull if you are low on health.

5. Go east to the Kolkar Village and find their chief, Khan Dez'Hepah (73,47), who stands in one of those high tents. Kill him, loot his head.

6. Go to the horde camp just above and around the Kodo Graveyard, turn in [35]Khan Dez'hepah at Felgor Twocuts (56,59) and [37]Catch of the day at Nakata Longhorn just a bit further north.

7. Go northeast to Kormek's Hut (62,38), turn in [39]Bone Collector.

8. Go northeast to the Satyr Village of Sargeron (75,28), kill all the satyrs you need to complete the quest [33]Befouled by Satyrs.

9. Go west to Thunder Axe Fortress and enter by the main gate (56,29). Look for a "Burning Gem" in your bags, and put it on a hotkey. When you kill the burning crusade npcs in the fortress, use the gem on them when they are about to die (10-20% health left or so), you will gather infused burning gems that way. You need 15 burning gems in total, and you will probably gather them while we reach the other objectives for other quests we have to do here.
Go inside the main building right infront of the main gate, clear the way to the central room, inside of it you should see a big red crystal. Clear the whole room before you touch it. Save your long cooldown abilities and have your potion timer ready too. When you are ready, click the crystal, a Demon Spirit will spawn, it's lvl 37 but kinda hard for this level, so use everything you got if needed. Kill it and loot the Demon Box.
Get out of this building, and go to the guard tower just next to the main gate, clear the two npcs on each side of the hut on the top floor of the guard tower, then get full health before you go in, because 2 npcs are inside. Kill them both and loot the Rod of Light from the seer.
Before you leave the fortress, kill mobs until you get the remaining Infused Burning Gems you need for the quest [33]The Burning of Spirits. You should already have found a Flayed Demon Skin on one of the burning crusade npcs you killed, if you haven't stay in the fortress and kill everything until you get one. Right click it to start the quest [33]The Corrupter.

10. Get west to the tower of Ethel Rethor (38,27), turn in the quest [33]The Scepter of Light at the npc Azore Aldamort. Get the follow up [38]Book of the Ancients.

11. Go west to the shore, follow it south until you see the mast of a wrecked ship, sticking out of the water at (33,31). Take a swim, all around this ship you'll find Giant Softshell Clams, open them to find clam shells, which you need to open to find meat inside.

You need to gather 10 Soft-Shelled Clam Meat that way. Also in the same area you'll find those giant lobsters named Drysnap Crawlers and Pincers. Kill those until you find a Silver Key (takes me 10 kills on average, depends of my luck).

12. Go north of the sunken ship until you find nagas, kill them until you find Rackmore's Golden Key. The key can drop from any naga in the area, it takes me about 10 kills each time depending of my luck.

13. Once you've got the key, swim northwest, kill any Slitherblade Myrmidon, Naga or Sorceress you find on your way, this is a long swim. Keep swimming northwest until you reach Raznajar Isle, and step on the isle by the eastern side of it (30,9). You should find Rackmore's Chest here, at the base of a tree.

Click on it and complete the quest.

14. Go to the northern tip of the isle, you should find a Serpent Statue. Clear the few nagas around it, get full HP/MANA then go click the statue, this will spawn Lord Kragaru, a level 38 naga. Kill him and loot the Book of the Ancients from him. Now you should be getting close to level 38, or at least be 4 bubbles away from it. If you are not that close, stay on this island (good grind spot) and kill nagas until you are 4 bubbles away from level 38 or less.

15. Swim southeast, back towards the tower of Ethel Rethor, kill the remaining Slitherblade you need on your way back, make sure you complete the quest [36]Other fish to fry before you go.
Go to Azore Aldamort (38,27) and turn in [38]Book of the Ancients.

16. Go southeast to Ghost Walker Post, find Maurin Bonesplitter and Takata Steelblade (52,53). Turn in the 3 quests, do NOT get the follow up form [33]The Corrupter, but get the other follow up: [33]Alliance Relations.

17. Go south, back on the road and follow it south then west, until Gelkis Village where you must find their chief: Uthek the Wise (36,79), turn in the quest, don't get the follow up.

18. Go to Shadowprey Village, turn in the last 3 quests:

[35] Claim Bait
[36] Other fish to fry
[38] Hand of Iruxos, don't get the follow up

Congratulations on level 38.


Hearthstone to Orgrimmar, go turn in [33]Alliance Relations at Keldran (in the last hut close to Orgrimmar's west gate)
Go visit your class trainer, sell/repair, check the AH, restock consumables.

Take the Zeppelin to Grom'gol base camp. In Grom'gol, take the following quests:

[36]The Defense of Grom'gol
[36]An Unusual Patron (added recently)
[38]Mok'thardin's Enchantment
[42]Split Bone necklace

Your quest log should look like this now:


Time to hunt!

1. Go southeast, stop at (35,35), you should be close to the Master Tribal Leatherworker npc, all around this area you need to find Shadowmaw Panthers, they are stealthed. The best method is to run around killing everything in the area while hitting "tab" key alot to target any panther you find on the way. Keep doing this until you have 10 Shadowmaw Panther kills and 8 Shadowmaw Claws, and also a Pristine Tigress Fang. This may take a while so just kill everything in the area until you're done.

2. Go northeast along the river, you'll find Snapjaw Crocolisks soon (39,31). Keep going north along the river to find more crocs, kill them until you got 5 snapjaw crocolisk skin. If you run out of crocs to kill, you can go further to the north and kill the venture co. goblins while waiting for the crocoliks to respawn.

3. Go north to the Venture co. Base Camp, clear yourself a path to the top of the oil rig, which you can access at (42,18). Find Foreman Cozzle at the top of it, kill him and loot his key. Get off the oil rig and go to the small houses just a little south of where you are, inside you'll find Cozzle's footlocker (42,20)

Open it and get the Fuel Regulator Blueprints. Get out and kill Venture Co. Geologists until you have 8 Tumbled Crystals.

4. Go west/southwest to the area which is north of Grom'gol base camp (30,23), you'll find plenty of Lashtail Raptors there. Kill 15.

5. Move north to the Nesingwary's Expedition Camp, on your way you need to kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers (31,19). When done with that move further north/northeast until Nesinwary's Expedition camp.

At Nesingwary's camp, turn in the 3 mastery quests and get the follow ups:

[37]Tiger Mastery
[40]Panther Mastery (elite)
[41]Raptor Mastery

6. Go southwest around the plateau and then west until you hit the coast. Continue northwest along the coast until you find the ruins of Zuuldaia (20,12). Kill every troll in the area until you have 20 Shrunken Heads.

6.5 (added recently) Go southwest and swim towards the island with water elementals on it (20,22), find the Altar of Naias and use the Gift of Naias which should be in your inventory. Naias will spawn, kill it and loot the Heart of Naias.

7. Go back to Grom'gol base camp.
Turn in:

, get the follow up [41]Bloodscalp clan heads
[36]An Unusual Patron
[36] The Defense of Grom'gol
, get the follow up [37]The Defense of Grom'gol
[38]Mok'thardin's Enchantment, get the follow up [41]Mok'thardin's Enchantement

8. Go east to the Ruins of Mizjah (37,31), kill 10 Mosh'ogg Brutes and 5 Mosh'ogg witch doctors.

Go back to Grom'gol and turn in the quest [37]The Defense of Grom'gol.

Fly to Booty Bay, turn in the quests:
[37]Goblin Sponsorship, get the follow up.
[36]Hostile Takeover
[36]Some assembly required, get the follow up [38]Excelsior

While you are in booty bay, check the AH to see if there is any Stranglethorn Lost Pages you miss for sale. The next time we come to Stranglethorn Vale will be the last, so you better make sure to have all 4 chapters complete as soon as possible:

1. Chapter I: page 1,4,6,8
2. Chapter II: page 10,11,14,16
3. Chapter III: page 18,20,21,24
4. Chapter IV: page 25,26,27

You should be rather close to level 39 now, and you have two options:

1. Get a group and do Scarlet Monastery, follow my scarlet monastery guide, gather all the quests and finish them all. Especially the main quest which has nice item rewards.

2. You don't want to do instances, just go to the next step of my guide, you will just have to grind more.


Hearthstone to Orgrimmar, sell/repair/restock consumables, vist the AH.

Stop by the bank and get your underwater breathing pots, or buy some from the AH if necessary, they will be quite useful if you aren't undead or a class with some sort of water breathing spell.

Take the Zeppelin to the Undercity, go to the Undercity and take a bat ride to Hammerfall, Arathi Highland.

Next stop is Faldir's cove, take a look at the map below to see where it is. To access it you must first go southwest to (31,64), which is just east of Stromgarde Keep. At this location you should find a path going behind Stromgarde Keep, follow that path west until you reach the cliff above the sea, to your left you should find a cave (21,75). Go through the cave, and on the other side go down the path, then swim east until you reach a ship with npcs around it.

The first one you should talk to is an ogre, get his quest [35]Land Ho!, go turn it in right away just a few steps ahead at Shakes O'breen.

Other NPCs in Faldir's cove should have quests for you now. Get the following quests first:

[40]Deep Sea Salvage
[40]Drowned Sorrows

Then take the 3rd one, which is an escort quest, when you are ready: [40]Sunken Treasure.

Escort the gnome to the cave, at some point two level 40 elemental will attack you, they are easy enough to kill at your level if you got your long cooldowns up, use a pot if needed.
Follow the gnome back outside the cave and wait a few second until you can turn in the quest.

Now things get a little more difficult, and you'll be glad to have brought those underwater breathing pots with you (or to be undead, or a class that can cast a spell to breathe underwater). Swim west until you reach the mast of the closest sunken ship (23,84).

Now instead of describing it I made a quick video of it, follow this link and see how it's done before you swim down.

Sunken Treasure Part I

After watching the video, if you feel ready, drink an underwater breathing pot and dive.

Once you got the Log and the Charts from the Maiden's Folly, we move to the next one just a bit further west, you should also see its mast sticking out of the water.

The charts are easy to get, they will be the first part in the video below.
The log is the most difficult part, because you actually have to deal with 3 nagas at the same time. However, for certain classes it's rather easy:

Priest: Mind control one, let it get killed by the other two. Rinse and repeat.
Shaman, Mage: Nuke the closest sorceress quickly then run away, rinse and repeat.
Warlock, Hunter: Send in your pet, kill one quick, run away, re summon pet, repeat.

For melee classes it's a bit more difficult, you'll need a health pot for sure. Warriors can either charge in, use recklessness and destroy everything as fast as possible. Paladins should be no problem as well with heals and invulnerabilities.
I found it was the most difficult with rogue, due to low hitpoints we die quickly when there are several caster mobs nuking us. Anyway, here is a video on how I do it, there are surely better ways of doing it, but this one is simple and worked for me, I didn't even use sap, vanish or blind, which would have made things easier as well, so I'm pretty sure other rogues following my guide will manage it:

Sunken Treasure Part II

Look into your bags and put on the "Goggles of Gem Hunting". Now you should detect "Calcified Elven Gem" on your minimap. They are big white rocks lying at the bottom of the sea:

Kill nagas in your way while you gather 10 Elven Gems. When you got them all, kill the last few nagas you might still need to complete the other quest [40]Drowned Sorrows.

Go back to the camp, turn in the 3 quests, take the follow up [40]Sunken Treasures, turn it in immediately at captain Shakes O'breen and get the follow up.

Swim out of Faldir's cove by the south side, keep swimming south until you enter the Wetlands and reach the land, as shown on the map below.

Our next stop is the outpost of Kargath in the Badlands, follow the map above to get there. First find the tunnel entrance of Dun Algaz (54,70), keep following the tunnels till you enter Loch Modan. In Loch Modan follow the path shown on the map until you enter Badlands.

After entering badlands:

Go south, then southwest and then west while staying close to the mountain to your right-hand side. At some point you'll find a very small camp with a few gnomes in it (25,45). Get the quest [37]Study of the Elements: Rock from Lotwil Veratius.

Go further west while killing every Lesser Rock Elemental on your way, until you find Kargath Outpost (4,44). Get the flight path, sell/repair.

Go back to the Lesser Rock Elementals just east of here, there are a lot of them and they respawn fast enough for a nice grinding session. Grind your way up to level 40. The elementals drop stones which can be sold directly to vendors for nice cash, and also other stones which you can sell at the AH (Elemental Earth, Solid Stone). If the rocks are overcamped, you can go east and a bit to the north to the dwarven fortress named Angor Fortress(43,30).

Happy grinding!

Go to Lotwil Veratius, turn in [37] Study of the Elements: Rock, don't get the follow up.
Hearthstone to Orgrimmar, sell, visit the trainer and the auction house. Get ready for the next chapter!

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